This section provides a quick introduction to The Heartwood, these files and some sundry observations about the customs of the people of The Heartwood. Other items of interest include:
Here you'll find a loosely organized group of essays that portray the common point of view on various subjects. The people of The Heartwood themselves tell many of these stories. Included are a geography lesson, an introduction to the Noble Families, several songs and legends, an essay on current technology, and a look at how most folks view some of their neighbors.
It is a quiet evening of fireside tales between old friends brought together once again by chance. Their stories tell the history of The Heartwood from the Shattering War at the beginning of time to the arrival of the Great Bankorpool Empire and the annexation of the Imperial Colonies.
Each person understands the various religions in individual ways; here you'll see those personal outlooks on the cults that extend across the mainland. These include, of course, the Imperial Court of the Bankorpool Empire, a review of the more common Pagan religions, and a warning about those who follow the darker paths.
This section provides a closer look at the cults of The Heartwood, from a more scholarly point of view.
The Glossary contains a collection of common knowledge from across The Heartwood, including a listing of critters, an overview of the Noble Families, and many other facets of everyday life.
Maps of the more well-traveled locales and some less frequented.